WordPress – Web Seasoning https://webseasoning.com Innovating Digital Transformation in Education Sun, 05 Sep 2021 00:38:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://webseasoning.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/cropped-favicon2-32x32.png WordPress – Web Seasoning https://webseasoning.com 32 32 Why using a free WordPress theme is not a good idea https://webseasoning.com/articles/using-a-free-wordpress-theme/10195/ Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:33:08 +0000 https://webseasoning.com/?p=10195 Using that free WordPress theme may seem like a really good idea. After all, anything that helps you to save money is a good thing, right? You may not be quite so sure if it turns out that the theme brings some unwanted malware along with it. This is just one of the issues you […]

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Best WordPress Portfolio Themes of 2016 https://webseasoning.com/articles/wordpress-portfolio-themes/8479/ Tue, 05 Jan 2016 10:30:11 +0000 https://webseasoning.com/?p=8479 This collection of free WordPress portfolio themes reviewed by CollectiveRay contains the finest hand-picked theme for categories like personal, business, portfolio and corporate style websites. The main reason to have a portfolio website is to showcase work you have done in the past to your new customers. This is another way to promote yourself online. […]

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