Readers to Your Blog

5 Ways to Get More Readers to Your Blog

You’ve learned how to start a blog on WordPress and you’ve gotten your footing, but where are all of the readers? It is great to have the content out there, but now what? What are you supposed to do now that you have your blog up? Do you sit passively waiting for readers to come and find your writing? Of course not. In this article, we are going to talk about 5 ways to get more readers to your blog.

1. Facebook

Whether you are personally on Facebook or not, your business needs to be on Facebook. So many people are on Facebook on a daily basis with many of them checking it multiple times per day. You could have thousands of readers on Facebook, but if they don’t know that you are there, they can’t read your blog.

Set up a Facebook business page and start posting one blog post a week on the page. You may also want to look into running some Facebook ads or boosting your posts so that you can get some more people to view your content. Facebook isn’t generous with their free traffic so you will find this platform is more of a pay to play one.

2. Twitter

Twitter is a little more lenient on how much traffic they give out. When you post, anyone that is following your profile has the opportunity to see your post in their feed. Whether they do or not has to do with if they are online and how many people they are following.

You can also purchase ads on Twitter when you want to give yourself a little extra boost. If your content has the potential to go viral, you can think of the ads as priming the pump to get things started. When you are “tweeting” on Twitter, there really isn’t any such thing as too much. Since the feeds are constantly rolling, you shouldn’t annoy anyone even if you repost a tweet or tweet multiple times per day. The more you tweet, the more likely you are to get people to pay attention to you.

3. Pinterest

Pinterest is a traffic goldmine that many people have no idea about. Most people think Pinterest is for finding a great dress or baking recipe. While that is true, people (especially women) go on Pinterest to search for just about everything.

If you are going to promote on Pinterest, you need to optimize at least one image per post so that you can pin your pin to your Pinterest account and promote it on the account for other people to see and repin. People love repining and sharing content on Pinterest so if you want to go viral, this is a great platform to do it.

Getting traffic from Pinterest doesn’t usually take as long as it takes with Google. Pinterest has hashtags now where your pin will show up first on the hashtag if someone searches for it. This can be a great way to get traffic quick if a lot of people are searching for your topic.

To find out if people are searching for your topic, go to the search bar in Pinterest and type the first word in your query, if you see a lot of related terms popping up, that is a good sign.

4. SEO

SEO aka search engine optimization means optimizing for the search engines. If you complete an SEO audit of your website, you’d know where you’re going wrong in gathering traffic. When you optimize for the search engines, you help Google and the other search engines understand what your content is all about so that you can rank higher in the search engines. The higher that you rank in the search engines, the more likely people are going to be to click on your result.

Most people click on the first 1-3 organic search results in Google and other search engines. What I mean by organic is search results that are not Google AdWords ads. If you aren’t anywhere to be found on the first page, you are definitely not getting any traffic from search engines.

Optimizing your page both on the page and off the page is important so focus on creating great copy but also do not forget to promote it and get the word out about your latest piece of content.

When you are searching through SEO and how to do optimize your blog, you will probably read a lot about building backlinks. While this can be confusing, you should know that a backlink is simply when someone posts a link on their site that links back to them. The more of these that you get from relevant and high quality sites, the better. These are like votes for your website telling the search engines that you are a good resource for their users.

5. Business Cards

Make sure that you have your website address on your business cards. People are likely to look you up online and you don’t want them to have to guess what your website name is. If you don’t have a website on your business card, they may think that you don’t have a website and not try to look at all. A website builds people’s confidence in you so make sure that you have it on your business cards on either side.


Getting visitors to your blog might seem like an impossible challenge in the beginning, but once people start to learn about your blog and get from it, it will start to get traction. You have to be persistent and consistent so that your momentum can pick up.

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