Week’s Best Things Cut in Half – Feb 11 to 17, 2017

Palace of the Soviets.

Image Source: Imgur

Fuselage of a Boeing 747.

Image Source: Imgur

Gobstopper licked in half.

Image Source: Imgur

Rolls-Royce Dart turboprop engine – gearbox, inlet and compressors.

Image Source: Wikimedia

50kv Power Cable (accidentally severed during a dig, no one died)

Image Source: Reddituploads

Cut ship looks like a puffer fish.

Image Source: Imgur

Porsche cut in half.

Image Source: Reddit

Dismantled ship in Bangladesh.

Image Source: Reddit

40 megawatt mitsubishi steam turbine at On Power geothermal power plant, Southern Iceland.

Image Source: Reddituploads

Bowling Pin.

Image Source: Reddit

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